Experience the Difference
The ECXO (European Customer Experience Organisation) seeks to bring together leaders and organisations, operating in Europe and beyond. The ambition is for these progress types to share knowledge, best practice, insights, stories and lessons with a view to raising the collective experience standards and develop the European approach for Customer Experience.In this podcast series we meet the founder, the ambassadors and the members of the ECXO. We hear their stories through CX and their views on the importance in recognising and celebrating the cultural difference of CX across Europe. Cover image by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels
Experience the Difference
ECXO - Experience the Difference - Kirsti Laasio - 'Shifting' to becoming a customer led company
Hosted by Christopher Brooks, ECXO UK Ambassador
Season 1
Episode 2
At the ECXO we progress the importance of context, country and culture in customer experience. The one size fits all model is outdated in Europe, as local adaptions are required by country. This makes for a fascinating and diverse learning in customer experience. The ‘Experience the Difference’ podcast brings voices from across Europe to the microphone to share their perspective, influenced by their origin and places of practice. In this episode we introduce Kirsti Laasio, a leading CX practitioner in Finland, member of ECXO and author of the b2b CX guide. Kirsti shares her experience of ‘shifting’ organisations to become more customer led in their approach to grow beyond domestic boundaries. Hosted by Christopher Brooks