Experience the Difference
The ECXO (European Customer Experience Organisation) seeks to bring together leaders and organisations, operating in Europe and beyond. The ambition is for these progress types to share knowledge, best practice, insights, stories and lessons with a view to raising the collective experience standards and develop the European approach for Customer Experience.In this podcast series we meet the founder, the ambassadors and the members of the ECXO. We hear their stories through CX and their views on the importance in recognising and celebrating the cultural difference of CX across Europe. Cover image by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels
Experience the Difference
ECXO - Experience the Difference - Ladislau Batahla - The Human Impact of Digitisation
Hosted by Christopher Brooks, ECXO UK Ambassador
Season 1
Episode 3
In discussion with global CX consultant, Ladislau Batahla, EXCO podcast host Christopher Brooks explores the impact the race to digitising the customer experience has on the employees involved. Originating from Portugal, Ladislau’s international experiences qualify his perspective, sharing considerations for those driving digital improvements to remember both the effect on those displaced, but also the increased complexity humans have to manage as digital equivalents typically take on just the simple tasks. Ladislau Batalha is a committed to progressing the standards in customer experience. As a member of the ECXO his contribution is making a difference.